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Video Track Above Song Arrangement With Basic Editing Tools [Completed 6.0]

+151 votes
asked May 22, 2019 in Completed Feature Requests by scottmoncrieff (1,060 points)
recategorized Oct 20, 2022 by Lukas Ruschitzka
Studio One 4.5 was pretty disappointing video wise despite the new exporting features being implemented. It's all very well having that but without being able to do anything with the video in being able to edited it independently and with audio, it just makes using video in Studio One frustrating. You can't get an overview of the video material inside Studio One so you can see where to make potential cuts to export and to be able to cue up any audio in that process. It doesn't need to have a full range of video editing features, it's primarily a DAW after all, but some basic editing ones would surely help. I'm sure other composers that score for film will have looked at Studio One with interest in using it for their small and big budget productions, rather than having to use Pro Tools, or another competing DAW that's out there. It would really round out Studio One's feature set and be more useful for composers of film, so assets can be prepared before using in bigger video editing packages.

16 Answers

+6 votes
answered Oct 28, 2020 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,440 points)
Best answer

Thank you for the feature request. 

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+7 votes
answered May 23, 2019 by nickrozendaal (290 points)
I agree with this. I'm using studio one in a post production format for audio but then I have to take my mixed audio into Premiere to create my video. I was very hopeful with this new update that I would be able to take the video file and do some very simple cuts (I'm post producing videos of our church services. I don't need to do much cutting except if there is some meet and greet time or group discussion time in the service that I want to remove so it isn't just dead space.) For me it's not worth the time it takes to sync the video up if I can't make any adjustments to it before exporting. Even if I had to pay for an extension to be able to do this I would do it in a heartbeat.
+7 votes
answered Jan 18, 2020 by jaydedelano (680 points)
I'm going to chime in on this too -- this program is so great in so many ways EXCEPT for the inability to drop video into the workspace. As a composer that does soundtracks, I get VERY frustrated with that missing element and it is the only thing that keeps me from doing a full 100% all in on this programs Producer upgrade. What's the point when I have others that do that that I've already paid for?

Come on PreSonus -- we're not looking for video editing here -- just a way to see the visuals play out while we check our work.
+5 votes
answered May 12, 2020 by brandonyon (250 points)
Even if you started with a video track, similar to the Tempo track or Marker Track, that would show images of the video at various parts along the track and allow you to mark spots within the video track. Maybe, if providing video images within the track is difficult to do, just put an image within the video track whenever you have a marker there to showcase the video section at the time of the marker. That would really help produce cues and scoring for videos.
+5 votes
answered Sep 10, 2020 by jonasknudsen (260 points)
edited Sep 10, 2020 by jonasknudsen
Yes! Exactly!

I just bought Studio One 5 a little over a week ago, I really like a lot of its features so far.
There's a lot to love about it, but I do both sound design (as in SFX) and music for media and also some personal music projects as well.
I would love for Studio One to be a more well rounded DAW that can fit in with my multiple audio workflows, instead of looking at audio work as being only music production. It limits it in away that makes zero sense to me.

Basic video editing features have been a request for years now, as far back as 2016 at least, as far as I can tell. It seems to come standard in other DAWs to at least be able to move and cut the video track, as well as placing markers/cues.
As such, it doesn't seem like the community is asking for too much here.
+3 votes
answered Oct 26, 2020 by arvidlundberg1 (470 points)
I'm starving for this feature! Seems like S1 are soo behind when it comes to video! :(
+1 vote
answered Jan 7, 2021 by jashandeepreehal (1,680 points)
Voted. I have studio one artist and thinking of going PRO but I like writing to  video and I need the track. This is making me think of going Cubase. Presonus, it's time you did this
+3 votes
answered Jan 11, 2021 by gagsmedia (650 points)

This feature would pile thousands of composers across to studio one!
0 votes
answered Apr 6, 2021 by alinoprea1 (540 points)
not so many votes, wonder why, nobody wants to see studio one perform better in the movie field ?
0 votes
answered Oct 24, 2021 by taylorscott2 (4,300 points)
bump - Please upvote this! S1 has such potential for Post but we just need some extra functionality.
0 votes
answered Feb 8, 2022 by jimtaylor5 (140 points)

Yes, yes, yes!  As a professional video producer who just got turned onto (and fallen in love with) Studio One Artist, the ability to score to video from within Artist would be a godsend!  As it is now, I'm writing down my cue points, hoping I haven't messed anything up when I bring the mix into my video editor, which has happened.  Also, in case the feel isn't quite right, I have to do a back-and-forth which is a time eater!  Artist does everything I need in my DAW except when it comes to film scoring.  I really don't want to spend hundreds more just for that one feature.  Please, please fix this.  Thanks!

0 votes
answered Feb 13, 2022 by michelepicaro (150 points)
S1 pro 5.5 here. Would be a very appreciate a better video management system.

Doesn't need to do advanced editing

+1 vote
0 votes
answered Mar 28, 2022 by tommeikle (280 points)
Big time agree here! The main thing that frustrates me about scoring to picture in S1. Super counter-intuitive to not have a visual representation in the arrange window. With all the sound variation improvements and the like, it’s on its way to being the ideal tool for orchestral composition v. Cubase/Logic/Reaper, this is one thing standing in the way IMO.
0 votes
answered May 3, 2022 by DrSnake (280 points)
Upvoted, would love this feature. So i can fully transition to S1. At minimum the video track would be a very welcome addition.
0 votes
answered Jul 13, 2022 by jpadgett (180 points)
Yes, totally sucks that Linux program for aduio do video
0 votes
answered Oct 20, 2022 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,440 points)
Completed in 6.0