Questions & Answers

Fine Tune Faders

+1 vote
asked May 30, 2019 in Mixing by vowlumeproductions (1,450 points)
edited Jun 19, 2019 by vowlumeproductions

I would love to see a Fine Tune Faders button similar to shift key on the keyboard, to enable the use of Fine Tune faders for touch screens so we can mix easier with touch screens in the next update.That would be a good feature for us touch screen users. I use Slate Raven MTi Screen and the Raven toolbars are not working with S1 in Windows...

Since S1 supports touch screen natively, it would be great to have a shift button function on the mixer to allow fine tune faders for touch screens

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jun 18, 2019 by teronseay (860 points)
Holding the shift key while adjusting your fader provides fine resolution. A very helpful tool.
0 votes
answered Jun 19, 2019 by vowlumeproductions (1,450 points)
I really know that. I was referring to the touch screen fine tune resolution. I am using Slate Raven Touch Screen. Raven has it's own toolbar, but it's not working with StudioOne. Since S1 supports touch screen natively, it would be great to have a shift button function on the mixer to allow fine tune faders for touch screens