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Vari Speed Recording ....It Almost Works...

+2 votes
asked May 30, 2019 in Hardware Integration / Remote Control by tomhartman (140 points)
I am aware that it is possible to use vari speed recording, like Pro Tools and Logic can do, in Studio One, by setting the file temp and using the time stretch setting. This allows one to even record difficult passages at a slower tempo, then type in the original tempo when you are done and everything works fine.

However I was disappointed to realize that this does not work in a session with multiple tempos, as there is no one "File tempo" to set. Most of my material does have tempo maps that vary throughout the song.

In both Pro Tools and Logic this is so simple, please consider a way to do this as there are so many times one needs to record a difficult string run, drum fill, piano break, or whatever, at a slower tempo then go back to normal speed.

Since Studio One does not have a locked tempo (conductor) track, like other DAWs, I hope this is not impossible.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 3, 2019 by bnelson748 (530 points)
Im not 100% on what you need but there is a tempo track. What you require might not be possible im not sure. But a workaround could be to do a ripple edit across all tracks and add space for the new recording and change the tempo on the tempo track at the location of punch in and then record to thay section. Tempo can then be manipulated... Theoretically.