Questions & Answers

Why is almost all software in the presonus shop Studio One Plus only?

+1 vote
asked Apr 17 in Studio One 6 by aronpetritz (650 points)
I wanted to purchase the Mix Engine FX addons and saw that they are 'Only Available in Studio One+'...
That wasn't always the case, right? Is that part of Presonus' poor move with v6.6 with pushing more people to the subscriber model or is that just a bug or similar? Would appreciate some help here.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered May 9 by colinotoole (16,790 points)
it's the new paradigm... just the way it is now.

0 votes
answered Jul 7 by keldbsoerensen (140 points)
What an arrogant attitude about using the PreSuonus own software and apps. When we buy a software then the company should offer the best service available and also all the apps available. And we as customers can then decide if we will pay the price for a software we know will work.