Questions & Answers

I changed my computer and I had to reinstall StudioOne, how can I recover the songs that I had already recorded?

+3 votes
asked Jun 8, 2019 in Studio One 4 by marafernndez (150 points)
I changed my computer and I had to reinstall StudioOne, how can I recover the songs that I had already recorded?

2 Answers

–1 vote
answered Jun 9, 2019 by mircoscheurich (200 points)
Erstens wenn du deinen PC gewechselt und studio one  neu installiert hast .Wie willst du alte Songs aufgenommene wieder herstellen wenn sie auf einem anderem pc sind.Du hast geschrieben habe computer gewechselt und musste studio one neu installieren  ? Wie soll das gehen ? Ohne weitere info
0 votes
answered Oct 30, 2019 by bartbroom (180 points)
Hey Marafernndez,

Did you get your questioned answered?  I am having the same problem.  One would think this is a common question, but I can't find an answer on these forums.  I have Studio One installed on my new computer, but all my songs are on my old computer.  Any leads would be appreciated.
