Questions & Answers

All my songs I have in recent files can't be found. How do I recover, and can I recover them.

0 votes
asked Dec 11, 2020 in Studio One 4 by juansebastianortizrubio (160 points)
I lost my files from Studio One 4 Artist, please does anyone know if Presonus makes any kind of file copy or how can I recover them? URGENT!

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Dec 14, 2020 by wesleypeterson (21,050 points)
selected Dec 17, 2020 by juansebastianortizrubio
Best answer
I hope you've found them. I'm assuming you're on windows because that's what I have, maybe I'm wrong. The first thing I would do is clone the hard drive. That way you lesson the chance of overwriting files if they were deleted( windows removed the first letter of a filename when it deletes them. That's how it marks them to be overwritten) There are 'undelete' programs that will find everything that way on your machine and try to repair or undelete them. But first, check your documents folder to see if they are there and the location in studio one isn't off. If that's the case update the location in Studio One. If not do a search in file explorer and make sure that the files aren't just moved (I've had to do that when I accidently drag and dropped a folder and then couldn't find it.) If not located, clone your hard drive to an external. Do this because you will have to install an undelete program and anything added to your drive, including windows cache, downloads, web cache, installs, anything really could possibly overwrite the files. I personally use EaseUs Data Recovery Wizard for that but there are many programs that will work. Since you are downloading and installing a program you might be overwriting the data you want recovered. Run you undelete program on the drive it was stored on, if no luck. Try running it on the cloned drive. I really don't know what else you can at this point. good luck.