Questions & Answers

Why is my interface not connecting to my new computer with the driver already installed?

+1 vote
asked May 28, 2019 in AudioBox USB by augustinbarreteau (130 points)

I have downloaded the latest driver for my audiobox twice but I don't receive any signal on my music software as Ableton and garageband on my new Mac book pro. It works perfectly on my old Mac book pro. one mistake I did was to plugin my interface before downloading the driver. I heard that it can cause some problem. Would really appreciate if you could solve my issue.

Many thanks

Gus Barreteau

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 21, 2019 by rudyvitale1 (140 points)
Check out this article ASAP and follow all the steps. Also re install your drivers for your interface as well. I was having the same problem with loading up my Focusrite 2I4 until I did this.