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+1 vote
asked Jun 25, 2019 in Editing by huberttorzewski (360 points)
reshown Jun 25, 2019 by huberttorzewski
1. Follow Track Pan (on sends). Right mouse button click and selecting "follow track pan" to match panning of the track (even the automation in panning). It's present in Cakewalk by Bandlab. I was using it ALWAYS. I don't know how S1 don't have this basic, time-saving feature.

2. Sends on FX tracks. Come on, why the heck buses can have sends and FX tracks not? It's ridiculous. Add it right now, please.

3. Colorizing the sends and buses. Why can't I make all my instrument buses yellow and my FX buses green?

4. Sound on sound recording. Why the audio on the track is muted if I press the record button and I can't change this behaviour?

5. Increasing/decreasing waveform size on each track individually.

6. Gain knob on each fader. First in the routing.

7. Better multi-core utilization. My i9-9900K is working only 40% during heavy sessions export (or small project, it doesn't matter). It could be handled way better.

8. More cross-fade options. Being able to select clips and fade them no matter if the clips are close to each other or have some gaps. It should move the start and endings of the clips to create the crossfades (which you can edit easily then).

That it from me. What do you guys think? Are these options also essential for your workflow?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 7, 2019 by bradleyszyperski (1,140 points)
Why do you need sends on effect track if busses have sends?

A effect track is just a buss man.