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"Studio One 4 Prime Sorry, you already have this product registered to your account. "

0 votes
asked Jun 27, 2019 in Studio One 4 by jungminshin2 (150 points)

I've tried to get studio one 4 Prime, and added to the cart. But the notification popped up:

'Sorry, you already have this product registered to your account. If you are having trouble activating it, please contact support.'

1. I haven't registered neither installed the software, so I can't understand why those notification popped up.

2. Other than this account, 

     2-1. I've signed up with the Facebook account first, but it had problem connecting to the PreSonus.

     2-2. So for the second time, I tried to sign up with Google account, but the Google account couldn't be confirmed.                   Haven't received confirmation e-mail

     2-3. And that's why I've tried with the third e-mail. Confirmed it, and added Studio one 4 prime to the cart, but the                   notification popped up.  

Thought it might be the problem trying to sign up and get the software with several accounts. 

Otherwise, please help me and let me know the solution to download Studio One 4 Prime as soon as possible. 

Studio One 4 Prime

Sorry, you already have this product registered to your account. If you are having trouble activating it, please contact support.

2 Answers

–2 votes
answered Jun 29, 2019 by gregdenson (7,900 points)
selected Jul 3, 2019 by AlexTinsley
Best answer
Forgive me if I missed something, but I "assume" you have a Presonus account?

If so, you can log into your presonus account, go to my products, then download the install files from there.
Serial numbers for registration will also be located there.
0 votes
answered May 8, 2020 by johnkennon (140 points)
Try another session in your borwser or another browser