Questions & Answers

Why is my Midi keyboard playing multiple instruments at once?

0 votes
asked Jul 7, 2019 in Studio One 4 by timvannatta (230 points)
Using Studio One 4 on a project that has multiple virtual instrumentS. For example, track one will be Nexus VST and track 2 will be Serum VST. Even though I only have one track engaged for monitoring, I hear the sounds of both instruments when I use the midi keyboard. I’ve even routed track one’s VST to midi channel 1 and track 2’s to midi channel 2 and matched those inputs on the tracks for each.

What am I doing wrong?

2 Answers

–1 vote
answered Jul 22, 2019 by tothrec (32,330 points)
Sounds like you may need to go into the configuration of the Inputs for each of those Instrument tracks to limit the channel they are listening on.  Look for the Configure button in the Track Inspector.

+1 vote
answered May 6, 2021 by philarmstrong (160 points)
Presonus support were very helpful with this: set direct input to none