Questions & Answers

Why can't I hear or record what I'm playing on a MIDI keyboard when I can see the notes being played on screen?

0 votes
asked May 25, 2020 in Studio One 4 by callumhenderson (170 points)
I'm having a problem using my Remote SL keyboard using Focus mode on instruments.

When i play the keyboard i can see the on screen keys being pressed in the External Devices window but there is no sound. The Focus button in highlighted yellow with Remote SL for the instrument. If I click on the External Devices keyboard its's also silent. When I record no notes are recorded on the piano roll.

However when I click on the edit window keyboard the synth plays and records midi,. Also when I select Remote SL as a direct input I can hear the synth so I know the input is working . However the synth plays whichever track is selected.of course.

Strangely the on screen QWERTY keyboard  External Devices window doesn't work either, however if I select the AKAI MPK as my external device the on screen keyboard works.

Can anyone suggest a solution to this?

Studio One 4.6.1 Windows 10 Dell XPS i7 laptop, Audiobox 44VSL interface

3 Answers

0 votes
answered May 25, 2020 by matthewritenburg (17,320 points)
Does your Remote SL keyboard have a built-in sound engine or is it simply a midi controller? If it has no built-in sound engine your need to insert a software instrument on the track to hear sound, or route that track to an external Synth, Sampler, or Sound module that does produce sound.
0 votes
answered May 25, 2020 by callumhenderson (170 points)

Does your Remote SL keyboard have a built-in sound engine or is it simply a midi controller? If it has no built-in sound engine your need to insert a software instrument on the track to hear sound, or route that track to an external Synth, Sampler, or Sound module that does produce sound.

It's simply a MIDI controller. I've inserted a software instrument and it will produce a sound, but only on the piano roll or if I select direct input from the MIDI controller. It doesn't seem to work when I use the Focus mapping to select the controller.

+1 vote
answered May 25, 2020 by matthewritenburg (17,320 points)
edited May 25, 2020 by matthewritenburg

Focus Mapping is a different concept than simply getting MIDI notes to trigger a instrument plugin.  I'll let you read the manual to understand Focus Mapping.

To get MIDI notes to play should be super simple.  Insert an instrument on a track.  Add some notes to the track.  And make sure the instrument is selected as the output as show below in the yellow circle in the first image.   If you want to hear your MIDI keyboard triggering the notes in real time, make sure the monitor button is enabled and your MIDI controller is selected as shown in the second image below.
