Questions & Answers

Ableton Live 10 with the Atom controller

+1 vote
asked Jul 24, 2019 in Atom Pad Controllers by canoz (180 points)

I read in an earlier post from october 2018 the following regarding the integration of the Atom with Ableton:

ATOM has the freedom to be assigned to virtually any piece of software via MIDI.

Further information on the specific integration with Ableton will be available around the time when ATOM begins shipping.

I would like to know if there’s an update on this? I want to upgrade to a good midi pad controller. The ATOM seems perfect but I need to know how far the features (the ones written on the device pads, buttons and knobs) work. Is there for instance an official remote script for the device by know? Hope someone can clarify. 

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 5, 2019 by robinwillis (280 points)
I would like to know about this as well. I think the Atom controller is really well made and designed and Studio One too is a good DAW... but am finding that Prosonus is not exactly an accessible entity. What's the answer Prosonus? A year is too long to wait for an answer.