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Add Main Mix After Fader Listening on Headphone Bus

+18 votes
asked Jul 27, 2019 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by martinlohmann1 (1,220 points)
edited Aug 6, 2019 by martinlohmann1

The main mix is ​​unfortunately only Pre fader on headphones to listen.  However, it is absolutely necessary to be able to control the mixer sum also after fader, so that one also hears signal distortions in the recording.  In addition, the LED level meter in the console follows the master fader M1, which is also expected.  Then the headphone playback should follow this display.  Therefore, I would like a menu item, with which one can switch between Main Mix Pre and After Fader.  The detour via Mix1-16 is insufficient, as they are initially only available in mono.  Thanks for a quick implementation of this basic function.


I agree with mikemanthei.
Even if it makes sense in live applications to close the master fader for the main-out bus, without having to do without the monitoring, the other case is at least as important to be able to control the recording level acoustically. This is a standard requirement for any semi-professional and even more professional mixer. I'm just surprised that there are not many requests from users who miss this feature. The block diagram of the StudioLive 24 Series III consoles shows that it would be easy to implement an after-fader listening in the circuit on the software side. The series is supposedly therefore called STUDIOLIVE, because it can do both studio and live requirements. If one looks at the functions of the consoles, then one quickly realizes, however, that here more of stage work in the live everyday was assumed. So I ask again to realize the missing Master-After-Fader Monitoring immediately. Technically, that should not be a problem.

4 Answers

+2 votes
answered Aug 26, 2019 by jonnydoyle (403,740 points)
Best answer

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+4 votes
answered Aug 6, 2019 by mikemanthei (610 points)

I am shocked to find out that the main mix is pre-fader only.  This is headphones AND control room speakers.  Anything flowing through the "Monitor" section..   I'm puzzled by this.

Martin has asked for a menu option to change this..  a switch between Pre and Post fader.   ...but I can't figure out why anyone would want to set it to "Pre-fader"?    I mean... who would intentionally choose to have the main fader *NOT* affect the mix they're listening to?     In every aspect of mixing, whether it's live or studio, it's important to hear the results of the controls we are changing.   Would you change a reverb send without listening to the results?   Would you EQ a drum track while listening to a solo'd vocal?  Maybe this is the new face of audio engineering..  sad

So instead of asking for a "Feature Request" can we change this to "Please fix this bug!" ?? 

0 votes
answered Jul 29, 2021 by romangarcia (160 points)
Such a strange feature.  I can't think of any reason this would be useful and literally no other console works this way.  Please fix!
0 votes
answered May 9, 2023 by fahedalriachi (150 points)

It helps to see your answers here, as I am new to presonus SL3 mixers and I though I am the only one so confused.

I am using an SL 32SC, firmware 2.5.17963, an the MAIN fader listen is still PRE on headphones :/

My current (and unacceptable/messy) workaround is to make my PHONES bus listen to the SOLO bus (post fader, latch mode), then I put all input channels to Solo.

I hope this can be fixed soon. Main Mix After Fader Listening on Headphone Bus is definitly needed.
