Questions & Answers

is it possible to create automations/envelopes that control pipeline??

0 votes
asked Aug 3, 2019 in Studio One 4 by lucacannavacciuolo (240 points)
Hi there,

i would like to control the external effects like the SW ones.

I see the pipeline is not detected by the automations list (doesn' matter which insert It is located)

Is there a way to bypas the pipeline??

I'm using a distorsion with SPX2000

A send option would fix but also change the sound...i have to keep the pipeline in insert for better result.

I'm not a midi fan, eventually I could try that path but after checking  the manual it seems spx cannot be bypassed through midi.


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 16, 2019 by lawrencefarr (221,450 points)
Best answer
Pipeline cannot currently be automated.