Questions & Answers

Pipeline no return signal

0 votes
asked Mar 13, 2020 in Studio One 4 by akimasatanaka (320 points)
Hi. I use studio one 4.6.1 and pipeline for connecting outboard. and My OS is  mac 10.15.

other daw works fine. But in only studio one , there is no return signal from  any outboard via pipeline (mono-stereo both).

I tried

-reset studio one setting to original

-reset interface to original

-reset all of others to original

But again other daw works fine for sending and getting outboard signal. but  studio one pipeline can send fine. But no getting signal at all.. it happens suddenly to me. Anybody encountered same thing ?

3 Answers

–2 votes
answered Mar 13, 2020 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
Best answer

We suggest going over your setup 

Studio One Manual - Pipeline XT

Here are a couple of YouTube videos that should help:

If you're still having trouble open a support request in your account for help from the Studio One support team. 

0 votes
answered Mar 13, 2020 by joegilder (13,630 points)
Have you tried recording from that outboard gear onto a stereo track just to see if the system is seeing those inputs at all?
+2 votes
answered Mar 13, 2020 by akimasatanaka (320 points)

1. I tried record from outboard without pipeline on studio one with track. Audio interface side is fine (Getting signal from outboard). But studio one can not get signal from outboard. > I did proper in-out setting of audio interface in studio one.

2. other daw and works fine to get signal from outboard. So i think audio interface and outboard and cables are fine.

3. I watch suggested youtube and manual. My setting of pipeline is same and no wrong.