Questions & Answers

Faderport 16

+6 votes
asked Aug 20, 2019 in FaderPort Series Feature Requests by edwardhall2 (830 points)
When using the faderport 16, will there be a feature that will allow the mixer on the screen (S1) to correspond with the fader that you’re actually touching. For instance, if I have 26 tracks loaded and the mixer in S1 is showing tracks 1-16, when I bank over on the faderport to tracks 17-26, will the screen on S1 bank over as well without me having to press select on a specific track to get it to bank over? When I owned the m audio project mix, I used Cubase. Anytime I touched a fader the screen automatically did the same thing without me having to press select. If the fader I was touching was not in the screen, the mixer on the screen automatically shifted to the track that I touch. The faderport has touch sensitive faders so please add this ability. Thanks.