Questions & Answers

Purchasing new computer. Need firewire connection for Presonus Firestudio Project.

0 votes
asked Sep 11, 2019 in FireStudio Series by tcolton5 (120 points)
Hello. I'm thinking about purchasing a new computer but most computers do not have firewire or express slots for connections. I was thinking about buying a PC tower so I can install what I need to make my Firestudio work properly. What do I need to install to make that work?


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 15, 2019 by shawnlutz (670 points)
FireWire is close to being dead, it would be like buying a new PC and installing windows 98 on it :) . Why not get a new machine with Thundebolt 3 which is FAST.transfer speed of 40gbps. Even USB 3 and 3.1 are faster than both flavors of FireWire. Just make sure you buy a PC with a motherboard that supports Thunderbolt and has a free PCIe slot to install the TB3 card.