Questions & Answers

How do you unmute the in ear channels in Qmix-uc through the PreSonus soundboard if you don't have Wifi to use the app?

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asked Oct 11, 2019 in PreAmps, Signal Processors and Monitoring Hardware by calebjordan3 (140 points)
I have a camp I am running in a few weeks. We use the PreSonus computer soundboard and run our in-ears with the Qmix-UC app. Often times we have to go in to the Qmix app to unmute the in-ears when turning on the system. At this campsite there won't be wifi to use the app, so we will have to set all the ears through the computer, but we are worried we won't be able to unmute it without the app. Does anyone know how to unmute the In ear Channels through the computer?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 11, 2019 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)
In-ears use aux/flex mixes, so you are able to control them via UC Surface on computer (FireWire/USB) and tablets. Why don't you create your own network? It doesn't need more than a router connected to your mixer... ;-)