Questions & Answers

Can you help me get my Samsung Note 9 (Android Version 9) to connect to UC Surface and QMix-UC?

+2 votes
asked Mar 3, 2019 in UC Surface / Qmix by roberthahn (140 points)
I have a StudioLive 24R and just got a new phone. I can't get my Samsung Note 9 (Android Version 9) to connect to either UC-Surface or Q-Mix UC.

I need this to work for my bands IEM rig and we all use android.

Please assist!

All software and firmware has been updated.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 20, 2021 by joshuajohnston (380 points)
I'm not sure what version of what broke what, but I have the same problem. UC surface works on my older Android devices but not on the newer Note 8 ... I'm not sure which versions (of the OS, and of UC surface) are installed on my other Android devices but they still appear to work.