Questions & Answers

StudioLive 24R static coming through speakers

+1 vote
asked Oct 26, 2019 in StudioLive Series by (130 points)
So my iMac recently automatically updated itself to MacOS Catalina which I know has caused this issue. I usually don’t update right away but the computer is new and either had automatic updates on by default or maybe I mistakenly turned it on during set up. Anyway, I had a slew of problems upon updating. The new update for my 24R and Universal Control has fixed most of these except the issue where after about 3-5 minutes of audio play back my speakers begin to get very staticky and crackle. It starts as a slow crackle and pop and eventually turns to pure static. Is this a known issue? Am I missing some kind of new setting somewhere? This entire issue is hindering my recording time right now and setting me back day by day. I really need a resolution if anyone could help! Thank you in advance!