Questions & Answers

Resistance on the fader working with the faderport

0 votes
asked Nov 14, 2019 in FaderPort 2018 by pietervanhecke (120 points)
edited Nov 15, 2019 by pietervanhecke

I have just bought a faderport 2018 (single fader) and I have a question about working with it.

For making a podcast I use Studio One 4 artist together with a RME Babyface Pro and the Faderport 2.  

My first impression about the Faderport is very good however there seems to be a problem. If a start a new session and create a single track (f.i channel 1 mic input) and then move the fader up and down quickly to change the level (when the track is armed) there is resistance in the fader so that the motor of the faderport wants to hold the fader at certain points. There are no other tracks just one.

Is it normal that the fader wants to work against me. The motor shouldn't work in my opinion at all when trying to change the level on a channel I am working on. I don't understand why this is happening. Can it harm the fader if I push against this resistance of the motor?

Do I miss a setting?
