Questions & Answers

crackle&distorded sound after prox. 30min. VSL44 in the outputs

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asked Nov 16, 2019 in AudioBox USB by DannyDan (590 points)
Hi Guys,

when i am hearing musik or youtube etc. after a while the (i bought it used) VSL44 (not the amp!) crackle and distort the sound.

After switching it off and on again, it works fine, for a while (eg. half an hour... or less)

what could this be ? can you repair it ? i know, its just a vsl44 - but i like it ! :-)

Or give me a hint which things i have to change (e.g. this resistor or condenser or...) or what it could be?

best regards and thanks for your support !

Danny (Longtime studio ONE user !