Questions & Answers

Rename files from event names

+9 votes
asked Nov 25, 2019 in Editing by fredriklidin (1,500 points)
I would like to see a feature that allows us to rename an audio file from a corresponding audio event. This feature could be presented in the form of a simple tick box: "Update file name" or "Rename file". The tick box could be in the dialog that appears when you right-click an event and choose "Rename" or just at the top of the event context menu (where you specify file tempo and such).

A luxury feature would be to have a tick box that allowed us to "Update name(s) of other events that use the same file".

Also, it would be handy to have another tick box in the same place for "Update track name" or "Rename track". Alternatively a feature like "name track after event" maybe could be avilable as a shortcut.

This would be very helpful, I think. It already works fine in the other direction (rename events after file name or track name).

Best regards,

Fredrik Lidin