Questions & Answers

Lack of drivers for SL 3242AI

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asked Nov 29, 2019 in Ai Mixers by luisoliveira3 (120 points)

Hello , I came across a big problem when connecting my 3242AI with my PC via Firewire. I'm using a firewire SL 32.4.2 AI on a Win10 x64 i7 16GB Ram PC with a FW Startech PCI1394B_3 card (Presonus approved as compatible), I have the latest firmware on 3242AI (version 11979) and the latest updates on UC (v3.1.2.54970). The problem is that the PC detects 3242AI but informs that it does not find compatible drivers. Already checked the firewall and anti virus permissions, already changed the drivers of the FW card, already uninstalled and reinstalled the UC and the problem remains. 
