Questions & Answers

Upgraded from Artist 4 to Studio One Pro 4 and can't get the Pro version to show up.

+4 votes
asked Nov 29, 2019 in Studio One 4 by christopherknight1 (160 points)
I upgraded from artist to professional. I download the file and it downloads fine. When I try to register the product is says the register key is already registered. If I try to activate off line it does the same thing.  My artist version is still showing up and pro version isn't showing.  I have all of the downloads that came with it. Not sure what to do.

6 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 30, 2019 by michaelrieleit (140 points)
I have the exact same problem. I bought the upgrade 2 days ago and it upgrades nothing and says the register key is already registered. I send a ticket to Presonus. What else can I do?
+1 vote
answered Nov 30, 2019 by ianrobertson4 (370 points)
Hi, this happened to me too.

Just untick the ugrade tickbox and do the registration without the key for the existing version of Studio One 4.

It worked for me. Don't know why.

It worked pretty quickly after that. I had to reconnect my audio interface, but everything else seemed to work. It scanned for my plug ins and found my songs straight away.

0 votes
answered Nov 30, 2019 by robertorosales (160 points)
I'm having the EXACT same thing happen to me.  It says that the product has already been activated.  I just got the dang upgrade less than an hour ago.
+1 vote
answered Dec 2, 2019 by mikecospelico (160 points)
Hi! I was trying to upgrade S1 artist 4 to professional 4.5. I read the 2014 PreSonus support showing how to upgrade S1 artist 2 to professional, but it didn't work for me. I didn't find the green upgrade button anywhere. I took two days to figure it out how to. Finally I got it.

Thanks ianrobertson4

Just Go to: in your DAW/word studio one/studio one activation/just check the activate my purchased version of studio one, and put your upgrade key hit activate... That's all. PreSonus should update in the support how to upgrade it.
0 votes
answered Jun 1, 2020 by stefanolarte (260 points)

It worked after i found this:

[2c] Studio One 4 : Software Install Studio One 4 (PC)


Please note the difference between downloading and installing a Studio One versions build and activating Studio One to unlock the core content that is included in a versions installed build. When you download and install Studio One from any source, you are installing the build of that version; 4.0, 4.0.1, 4.1.0, 4.2.3, 4.3.2, etc... In order to unlock the core content for your registered version; Demo, Artist, Professional, you must activate the installed build using the 28 digit product code or the offline 16 digit product key depending on your type of activation. The process of activation will then release the content for the registered version within Studio One once properly activated.

0 votes
answered Jun 4, 2020 by stevenhelton (180 points)
As Ian mentions below, I also had to register without checking the box that says it's an upgrade. Just put the new 28 digit code in and the registration goes through. At least for me. Kind of strange, but it worked