Questions & Answers

EZ Drummer2 (EZD2) Drum Map or PitchList

+3 votes
asked Dec 3, 2019 in Studio One 4 by jeffreyschmitt (1,850 points)
Are there EZ Drummer 2 (EZD2) Drum Maps or PitchLists available for Studio One?

If not then I'm interested in knowing if others are interested in having the maps and I'll work on creating maps for each expansion pack.  I posted a generic EZD2 test file here:

The PitchList translates the keyboard notes to drum names, like "Snare Rim Shot".

If you download the file and want to try it the file can be loaded by opening a song in S1, double-click on the drum track to open the midi window, click the drum symbol, then drag the EZD2.pitchlist file you downloaded into the map area that opened after clicking the drum symbol.

4 Answers

0 votes
answered May 24, 2020 by justinducharme (190 points)
Thank you!!! You are a life saver. I would love the pitchlist for EZX Latin Percussion and EZX Jazz if you have those expansion packs. I am really bad at this sort of data input, I was trying to do this myself but kept getting mixed up (distracted). Thanks!
asked May 25, 2020 in Studio One 4 by jeffreyschmitt (1,850 points) Found EZD Pitch Lists
0 votes
answered May 25, 2020 by jeffreyschmitt (1,850 points)

Hi Justin,

I've since learned that someone else beat me to it and posted to the Exchange.

The Latin Percussion pitch list is here:

And then this one has the Jazz kit along with some others:

I haven't looked at these but if they're not exactly what you want they are probably close and you can touch them up in S1.

Best wishes,


0 votes
answered Feb 8, 2021 by dodriggs (140 points)
I haven't tried it yet, but thank you in advance! I have the Nashville and Americana kits so far (hint, hint. lol).
0 votes
answered Feb 28, 2022 by Lovestream (200 points)

Great help! Thank you very much smiley
