Questions & Answers

STUDIO LIVE AR 16 Record SD with continuous noise. Failure?

0 votes
asked Dec 17, 2019 in AR Hybrid USB Mixers by javiermerino (120 points)

Sorry for my english...

when recording in the SD it records me a constant background noise, like a continuous crack crack ...

I have gone crazy trying different SDs and they do the same to me all. At first I thought it could be because of the transfer speed but I am no longer sure and I doubt it is not the reader.

The mixer accepts SDHC up to 32 Gb. The fastest I have ever tried is a Sandisk Extreme 10 UHS 3 with a transfer rate of 90 Mb / s.

Do you think it could be the SD, the reader card or a failure?



al grabar en la SD me graba un ruido constante de fondo, como un crack crack contínuo...

Me he vuelto loco probando con SDs diferentes y en todas me hace lo mismo. Al principio pensaba que podía ser por la velocidad de transferencia pero ya no lo tengo claro y dudo que no sea el lector.

La mesa acepta SDHC hasta 32 Gb. Yo la más rápida que he provado es una Sandisk Extreme 10 UHS 3 con velocidad de transferencia de 90 Mb/s.

Creéis que puede ser la SD, el lector de tarjeta o una avería?

