Questions & Answers

(MAC) I'm not getting audio to playback on PreSonus 24.4.2 from Final Cut Pro. Suggestions?

0 votes
asked Jan 27, 2016 in Classic Mixers by Bob Romans (120 points)
(MAC) I'm not getting audio to playback on PreSonus 24.4.2 from Final Cut Pro, although it will audition audio through the PreSonus. The clip plays fine when output is set to built in speakers. Any suggestions?


It will also show audio in meters & export correctly.

Imac OS 10.10.5

FCPX 10.2.2

PreSonus 24.4.2

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 28, 2016 by gadget69 (31,130 points)
Have you set up the audio midi on the Mac? I assume you are trying to send a stereo pair back through the mixer... via the firewire/tape input? You have done the above and selected the firewire input on the mixer in the master section > Tape in knob > (Y) firewire selected input?

If not pleas provide more info!