Questions & Answers

SL64S S3 pops and distortion from Studio One (clocking problem?)

0 votes
asked Dec 26, 2019 in StudioLive Series III by jeffherrmann (440 points)
edited Dec 26, 2019 by jeffherrmann
We have a new SL64S connected to StudioOne on Mac via USB and Control ethernet. It is currently configured as default input/output for StudioOne. In DAW mode with playback through the board the sound quality degrades, with pops and distortion indicative of a misaligned word clock. The SL64S is set to internal clock, which appears to be correct from the manuals, but we can't find where to sync the clock with the computer.

There is a secondary mixer over AVB and Control, but currently that has been removed to simplify things. When connected it shows a green indicator on the clock source, whereas the clock indicator on the SL64S always stays grey (on both the board and UC Control).

USB is a direct connection, no hubs. Control computer/StudioLive machine is a Mac Pro.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 27, 2019 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)
No clock is needed in DAW Mode, because there is no audio going through the mixer. Everything is happening in Studio One. The StudioLive mixer is only lending physical faders and encoders and LED strips etc. to Studio One. The only audio connection is USB 37/38 (or 63/64 in your case) aka "Tape In" (Digital Return).
0 votes
answered Dec 29, 2019 by iraward (280 points)
Always make sure that all sample rates are the same in your DAW and the mixer. This has to be set manually.