Questions & Answers

AudioBox iTwo MIDI ports not working

0 votes
asked Dec 30, 2019 in AudioBox USB by johntopley (130 points)
I’m trying to use SampleRobot to sample an old MIDI synth. SampleRobot automates the creation of multi-samples by using MIDI to play notes on the target instrument and then recording the audio output.

I have the audio out from the synth connected to my AudioBox iTwo and the MIDI Out from the iTwo connected to the MIDI In on the synth. My iTwo is connected to my MacBook over USB. The audio side of things is fine, my problem is that no MIDI data is being sent.

Should the iTwo be able to send MIDI events via its MIDI Out port out of the box, or is this functionality DAW specific? I’m not using a DAW in this scenario. Is there some further setup on my Mac that I’m missing?

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Dec 30, 2019 by landensevario1 (1,960 points)

Hi John.

The AudioBox is capable of sending and receiving MIDI as long as your DAW or audio software is configured properly.

Although I'm not entirely familiar with SampleRobot, you would likely need to select the AudioBox iTwo under the application's MIDI In/Out configuration. (

If you're unable to receive any MIDI from the iTwo, I recommend reaching out to PreSonus Technical Support in a support ticket for further troubleshooting.

Happy New Year
