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Live Take Notes

+1 vote
asked Jan 15, 2020 in Recording by jstummbillig (230 points)
Any form of marking parts of a region/take *while recording that region/take* right in Studio One would greatly enhance my production workflow, when recording artists.

Here are two exemplary implementations, that should also help clarify what I am looking for.

a) Swipe over a region that is being recorded, just like you would when selecting a take after the recording, to markt it up in a way to say "remember this (for whatever reason)". This marking has to persist with the part of this take/region after the take. It could be as simple as it having getting some sort of special color. Taking it one step further might be the ability to swiftly add a note to the area or grade it.

b) Another, maybe easier to implement version of this, would be "take markers": Working exactly like regular markers, just being attached to the take and showing up on the takes instead of the marker lane.

Both implementations have some pros and cons, but alas, either would be incredibly helpful to me.