Questions & Answers

How do you type values into the Ampire 3 stomp boxes.

0 votes
asked Jan 16, 2020 in Studio One 4 by johnellard (3,150 points)
Studio One 4.6 Professional running on a MacBook Pro under High Sierra w/16GB of RAM. My Strat is going directly into an Audiobox 96 into an audio track in S1.

I want to type values directly into the stomp boxes in Ampire 3. For example, suppose I want to set the delay for 60 or 90 ms, how do I do that? I can't figure it out. Tell me I'm overlooking something simple. Thanks!

3 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jan 17, 2020 by tothrec (32,280 points)
Doesn't look like they support the ability to type in values.

Maybe change this to a Feature Request?
0 votes
answered Jan 17, 2020 by johnellard (3,150 points)
Yes, I will make it a feature request.
Thank you!
0 votes
answered Jan 20, 2020 by johnellard (3,150 points)
edited Jan 20, 2020 by johnellard
Here's the answer I got back from PreSonus Support:

"Turn off the Sync button, touch the Speed knob with the mouse, open the Control Link panel and double click the value in the Control Link window and enter any value you want."

I forget about the Control Link section on the top left of the Arrange toolbar. You can use the Control Links there for all the stomp box values. :)