Questions & Answers

I cannot activate my purchased product

0 votes
asked Jan 18, 2020 in Studio One 4 by sasakrec (160 points)

I was the first to download and try Studio one Prime as a trial version. Then I bought Studio one 4 artist. When I wanted to activate the product with my activation code, it always says that I should enter the product key. The trial version is always started again. I uninstalled the trial version beforehand and removed all files from the computer, but it only ever starts the trial version. How can I activate my purchased product ???

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 18, 2020 by davidmcjunkin (140 points)

Hey man, I just resolved the exact same issue. Thought I'd share my steps in case it can help you. Here's what I did:

1. Log into, select "My Products". You should see your new Artist product there. If not, hit the little refresh button on the top right corner. This will allow you to see the product key of the Artist version.

2. Open the Studio One Prime application on your computer. Click on the "Studio One" in the top menu. Select "Studio One Activation".

3. Copy & paste your new activation code and make sure the radio button ("I have purchased an upgrade") is NOT selected. Then just walk through the steps.

Hopefully this works for you.



0 votes
answered Jan 1, 2021 by jonathanspear1 (270 points)

The answer provided by  davidmcjunkin works -- except instead of opening "Studio One Prime" I opened "Studio One Artist" and followed the same steps to activate.  This is not exactly a straightforward approach but my Professional version is now up and running.  
