Questions & Answers

I can think of a scenario in which using the Quantum, minus a DAW would be useful.

0 votes
asked Jan 21, 2020 in Thunderbolt - Quantum by jasonmiller12 (150 points)
edited Feb 12, 2020 by jasonmiller12
Some of us would like to just test out our gear without turning on the entire system. Others would like to practice on a particular piece of gear without turning on the entire system. Still others, would simply like the flexibility of that functionality from a higher end audio interface; lets say coming from a Focusrite 4 PRE and upgrading to the Quantum because the Focusrite is experiencing issues with static. That was my experience. And although you may have more experience than me, causing you to not understand why someone would need/want this functionality, I'm sure glad I don't share your rude nature. The guy above asked a perfectly good question and your condescending answer is repulsive. As I imagine much of your interactions are.

This was meant in response to another question, but it looks as if I didn’t post it correctly; my apologies. And although the above mentioned functionality would be useful, I’m completely satisfied with the Presonus Quantum.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 12, 2020 by connorguiberteau (26,950 points)
Best answer

If you would like to request features added to the future Quantum series, please post it here:

I'm sure you're not the only person that would like to see an internal mixer. So to anyone that thinks this is a great idea please upvote!

For anyone else wondering, an internal mixer is useful for a number of things. 

  • Headphone mixes
  • Practice
  • Auditioning sounds from analog instruments
  • Outboard gear