Questions & Answers

Adding a Quantum 4848 to existing 32R setup?

0 votes
asked Jan 28, 2020 in Thunderbolt - Quantum by brentchaisson (1,290 points)
Hi Folks,

Currently using a 32R as an interface for my home studio. I love the flexibility of using the EQ, etc models. However, after getting into 40,50 tracks with plugins added, I think the USB is really struggling transferring data. I'm getting dropouts & weird noises.. and yes, checked out all the usually suspects like buffer, etc. It seems 1024 sample size runs best, but when I place it at 4096, the interface just cacks out on me.

Should I be thinking of adding a 4848 as an interface with the 32R (is this even possible), and also to increase the sample rate as the 32R can only do up to 48khz. I really want to hold onto the 32R because it's portable and so.****.good. other than what I mentioned above.


Mac late 2015, 4.0 ghz i7, 32gb ram OSX 10.14.6

Studio One V4.6.1.55987

Universal Control V3.1.2.54970

Presonus 32R V 2.1.16232

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 12, 2020 by connorguiberteau (26,950 points)
Best answer
Quantum 4848 is all Line-input based and is mainly intended for use with external preamps or analog consoles.
The Thunderbolt driver gives the Quantum series its speed.

The 32r will not be easily integrated into this setup since there are no DB25 direct outs.

In Studio One 4 there is a dropout protection window under Audio Setup. This may help.
0 votes
answered Jan 29, 2020 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)

If you are using Studio One as "insert" to the 32 channels of the 32R (routing all 32 signals through S1), the USB connection should be able to handle the data flow. The problem is probably on the computer side. Remember that the 32R is using USB 2. The Quantums are Thunderbolt interfaces and there are more USB-c interfaces, allowing more speed. Use the 32R for what it is (live sound) and get other interfaces for more speed and higher sample rates.

Here are some helpful articles from "Technical Articles":
