Questions & Answers

If a 32R is networked to a 64S, can the 64S utilize USB inputs for Ch's 33~64?

+1 vote
asked Jun 20, 2024 in StudioLive Series III by roberthunter6 (130 points)
First, all hardware is at latest firmware, and Studio One up to date as of Jun20/24. Using an Intel iMac to run Studio One, Universal Control etc.

I have a 32R connected via SW5E to a 64S ...(another SW5E and an NSB16.8 reside in the system but I don't think factor in).

While getting set up with (and still relatively early on in the learning curve of) Studio One, I discovered that I was unable to route USB outputs from Studio One to 64S channels 33~64. 64S channels 1~32 could receive any Studio One USB output I cared to send. After a bunch of 'hmmm', I switched off the 32R, rebooted the 64S, the iMac and Studio One, and ...I can now route USB inputs to all 64S channels.

I'm not scared of manuals and have been looking for any documentation that explains the rules associated with AVB ...and how its use may, or should, or will ...affect USB connectivity. If I know what the rules are, I'll follow them.

Q1) Does anybody know which manual details what the 64S USB I/O will do all typical use scenarios? ...and specifically when used with networked stage boxes, or 'R' series mixers in stagebox mode?

Q2 If we come up dry on documentation, does anybody 'happen to know' what's going on in my scenario?

Q3 Is there a suggested setting or config that will allow me to use the 32R (and NSB) as inputs to the 64S ...(and Studio One), while retaining USB input-access on 64S channels 33~64?

Thanks for any help or suggestions on this.

1 Answer

–1 vote
answered Jul 12, 2024 by robertweston2 (10,480 points)
Try posting your question here: