Questions & Answers

Undo on Fader doesn't work when using VCA Faders

+1 vote
asked Feb 14, 2020 in Mixing by andreicolta (910 points)

I've noticed that Undo on Faders doesn't work when a certain fader is assigned to a VCA. Let's say I have Lead Vocals going to a VCA Fader. If I accidentally move the fader of the LEAD VOCAL, and I press Cmd+Z, then I can't go back to it. For some reason Studio One is ignoring the command. The Undo on the fader it works obviously, this "issue" happens only when a certain track is assigned to a VCA. I know it's a small thing, but if this could be fixed, that would be great.

Let me know, if perhaps I need to activate certain options in the preferences that I'm not aware of.

All the best,