Questions & Answers

Can we run a FOH/Monitor system with 2 Surface and 1 RM32, or do we need an SL32 out front?

+1 vote
asked Feb 2, 2016 in Ai Mixers by sowndgy (150 points)
We are going to have to rent/lease a system for a couple of months this summer.  Looking for the best way to do it as we have weekends with Band-an-hour, where the bands show up on multiple occasions.  I am looking for a mix system that is simple, closely mimics an analogue mixer, and will allow us to save the settings for each band to close up our between time.




2 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 3, 2016 by matthewgorman (52,060 points)
You can run a show 100% from UC Surface, with multiple instances of UCS. You can give permissions so that on instance controls FOH, and one just monitors. You need a computer with firewire to be able to use smaart and record the shows.
0 votes
answered Jun 17, 2016 by nevillepearsall (240 points)
As Matthew says, you can have multiple UC surface applications open on multiple machines. The only monitor drawback is the channel EQ is not separate on monitors and FOH so that could require a workaround for a picky musician that wants a lot of EQ to compensate for hearing loss or just has a different opinion on how something should sound. Usually some AUX EQ will fix that though.