Questions & Answers

How to setup SL32 as FOH and SL 32SC as monitor console using 1 x NSB 32.16

0 votes
asked May 29, 2023 in StudioLive Series III by robertweston2 (10,480 points)
I asked this question before, and received a high-level response.  It was helpul, but did not provide much direction in actually setting it up.  Some things have changed since my first post.

My plan is to use a SL32 as FOH, and a SL32SC for monitors.  I have one NSB 32.16.  I can get the consoles connected and (somewhat) configured that the NSB will show a blue connection light.  I'm not sure if "monitor mode" should be set on the 32SC while leaving the SL32 as a "stand alone" console.  

Also, I have found no information on how to route the FOH main-out to the Aux 15/16 outputs on the NSB box.  It looks like all FOH traffic would be routed through the 32SC.  The configuration for a 2 x console (FOH and monitor) setup is confusing.

There does not appear to be much documentation available that covers a FOH/Monitor setup/configuration (and not including using a rack console as a stagebox).

Presonus does have a lot of documentation, but most of it appears dated.

Any input or suggestions on this would be appreciated.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 6, 2023 by robertweston2 (10,480 points)
Best answer
After some testing, I was able to determine a solution for a FOH/MON setup.  Presonus does provide some documentation on this, however, it does not provide all that is needed for a setup.  The documentation is good, but not complete.

I worked out a setup for FOH and MON consoles, using them as "stand-alone"... not with the "monitor" option.

This question is closed.