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Need a road case for my StudioLive32SC

0 votes
asked Feb 15, 2020 in StudioLive Series III by seanryan (170 points)

Hello All,

    I'm looking for a road case for my StudioLive 32 SC mixer? Something that the mixer mounts on top and around 12 rack mount spaces in the front. Ive seen this but I'm not sure:

Sound Town 12U PA DJ Rack/Road ATA Case with 12U Slant Mixer Top, 22’’ Rackable Depth and Casters, 12 Space Size (STMR-S12UW)

Amazone link:  ref=pd_rhf_ee_p_img_1
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 18, 2020 by bobbrock (520 points)
selected Feb 19, 2020 by jonnydoyle
Best answer
I recently purchased the 14RU version of that rack and, while the mixer will fit within the box, the only way it does is by fully disconnecting the cabling and sliding it all the way back to get the front on, then reversing the process when you get on site to be able to plug everything in. I have contacted SoundTown and suggested that they make a deeper case, adding 3-5" to the depth for the digital boards. I have found that most digital boards (that I've worked with, at least) are about 3" deeper than analog boards.