Questions & Answers

How do I get Ableton running as a rewire slave in S1

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asked Mar 9, 2020 in Studio One 4 by aka_busker (32,870 points)
Hi there,

I recently obtained a legitimate licence for Ableton Live Lite, which seems to work well with the Atom ootb.

I have a number of rewire devices available to me including Reaper (demo), Reason and Melodyne.  All load as a rewire slave no problem.

I cannot get Ableton to work as a rewire slave.  I drop the instrument onto a track and the application fails to load.

I have both Studio One and Live Lite running in admin mode (never needed that with Reaper or anything else) and I have tried with neither having admin privileges too.  No dice.

I have tried to live troubleshooting guide yet have had no luck in getting Ableton as a slave device.  I even tried to run Ableton first and then run S1 afterwards which left me unable to use any rewire devices in S1.

Many thanks for your time reading this.
