Questions & Answers

Universal Control Off Line Editor

+109 votes
asked Mar 13, 2020 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by mirkosantangelo (820 points)
For developers.

It would be very useful in Universal Control to have in Demo section also Studiolive Series III consoles and racks, to be able to modify projects even offline and load them on mixers at a later time

Best Regards


8 Answers

+18 votes
answered Mar 13, 2020 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
Best answer

Thank you for the feature request. 

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+10 votes
answered May 4, 2021 by mirkosantangelo (820 points)
Any update about this request?

thank in advance

+13 votes
answered Jun 6, 2021 by jrmedecluzeau (1,250 points)
Where is Presonus at with this feature ?

This is standard to have this feature on most digital consoles, and it is beyond me that the Presonus StudioLive Series III are missing it !

Such a PITA to work with in its current state because of this !
+3 votes
answered Jul 18, 2023 by alexbaumgarten (290 points)
This is insane that this hasn't been implemented yet. As a 24R user it's silly that we are still having this conversation in 2023. OFFLINE EDITOR PLEASE!!!!!!!!
+3 votes
answered Oct 18, 2023 by Mikegiamberardino (210 points)
I'm working a festival next week and was going to be put on a Stuidolive desk. At first I was exited to learn a new desk. I was just happy it wasn't another sticky x32.  After searching for way too  long I learned that there was no offline editor. Unbelievable that something that has been standard in every desk I've worked on in the last 10 years is missing here. Infact, I couldn't even believe that presonus was this far behind. How does anyone choose this desk without this key feature. If I can't build my zero patch in advance (without my own desk) then I'm wasting everyone's time on site. If you want to be a serious competitor you need to have this. (Yes, I made an account just to comment this).

+1 vote
answered Dec 15, 2023 by NolanOsmond (180 points)
I also made an account just to comment on this one feature. I cannot believe Presonus is still decades behind in mixer tech. I work with so many bands that have an X32R and I'd like to switch them over to Studiolive at some point, but I refuse to work with any mixer that doesn't have an offline editor. Most times I don't have the gear with me to make a show file, or I have to make one on the plane. Universal Control is unprofessional.
0 votes
answered Mar 25, 2024 by rodrigomorgadogaray (180 points)
aun no tenemos solucion para poder editar de manera fuera de linea escenas de las consola serie III, todas las marcas ya tienen esta opcion, amigos de presonus por favor actualicen esta funcion que resultaria de gran ayuda para cuando tenemos giras y no podemos llevar nuestras consolas siempre.
+1 vote
answered Jun 27, 2024 by AidanRuffle (190 points)
@presonus what's taking so long? Put your resources to some good use.