Questions & Answers

Studiolive 24.4.2 and Studio One 3

0 votes
asked Feb 6, 2016 in Ai Mixers by gianlucacaterina (190 points)
When I launch Studio One 3 Artist on my Mac, in the list of audio interface i found only a FireStudio project but i don't have this! The StudioLive 24.4.2 ai not compare in the list. When I use Capture 2 or Logic Pro X I don't have any problem. Can you help me?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 8, 2016 by aurelioagostojr (140 points)

I'm having the same issue.frownSo....can some one help us? thnx.

0 votes
answered Feb 8, 2016 by gianlucacaterina (190 points)
I solved. Studiolive will show up as fire studio. Is the same family of Studiolive.