Questions & Answers

Why is my StudioLive 24.4.2 not syncing to my computer?

0 votes
asked Oct 2, 2015 in Ai Mixers by PreSonuSupt5 (21,400 points)
Why is my StudioLive 24.4.2 not syncing to my computer?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 2, 2015 by PreSonuSupt5 (21,400 points)
edited Oct 15, 2015 by PreSonuSupt5
Best answer

For a more detailed troubleshooting process, please see the below knowledge base article:


How Do I know my StudioLive (Ai) is connected to my computer and functioning by firewire?


The StudioLive 24.4.2 has two modes of operation: linked and unlinked.
When the 24.4.2 is in Linked mode, it can be used with another 24.4.2
mixer to create a single 48 channel console, however, this
functionality requires that neither unit communicates with a
computer.  Linked mode is engaged as soon as the Link ID has been
changed from "0" to any other number.  If your 24.4.2's Link ID is not
set to "0", it cannot communicate with a computer, even if it is no
longer physically connected to another 24.4.2 mixer.

To verify that your StudioLive 24.4.2's Link ID is set to "0", go to
Page 3 of the System Menu.  If the Link ID has been changed to any
other number, switch it back to "0" and try to connect it to your
computer again.

A number of things can cause a FireWire device to not sync to a
computer. If your StudioLive 24.4.2's Link ID is set to "0" and it
still will not sync to your computer, try uninstalling and
reinstalling the driver.  Complete Uninstall instructions can be found



If you know the firewire chip set or manufacturer you can cross reference this with our Firewire Card Compatibility Documentation attached at the bottom.

If uninstalling and reinstalling does not resolve the issue, please
contact PreSonus Technical Support.
