Questions & Answers

Shortcut for selecting disabled tracks / selecting empty tracks

+10 votes
asked Mar 27, 2020 in Look and Feel by christianschmid1 (2,160 points)
edited Mar 27, 2020 by christianschmid1
You can already set a shortcut for selecting all muted tracks. It would be great if you could select all disabled tracks as well. This way you could hide a bunch of disabled tracks all at once and build cool macros for showing and hiding exactly the tracks that you need.

It would be also great if you could select all empty audio and / or MIDI tracks so you could quickly disable and hide or delete all currently unused tracks in a song.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 16, 2020 by andreashernitscheck (900 points)
Oh yes please! I also really need it as using templates with a large set of instruments.. But only a few will make it to the song. The rest must be easily removed to avoid cpu load and optical cleanup.