Questions & Answers

Drag and Drop Sample from Studio One Pool/Browser into Akai MPC Software

+6 votes
asked Apr 10, 2020 in Instruments and Plug-Ins by kolbydigital (440 points)

it would be very nice to have the ability to drag and drop recorded audio from the Studio One browser, pool or arranger into the MPC Software. At the moment you have to import the audio from the MPC Hardware or Software into the MPC Pool. After that you can edit it. Thats really annoying. I´ve heard that it´s possible with macOS but not with Windows 10 (thats what I´m using).


1 Answer

+3 votes
answered Apr 11, 2020 by jandziock (1,030 points)
reshown Apr 11, 2020 by jandziock
It would be great if this was implemented for all samplers or drum machines. Works in other DAW's.