Questions & Answers

Pan Law, mixing out

0 votes
asked Apr 13, 2020 in Studio One 4 by richwallen (360 points)
I am coming to Studio one  from Logic and Digital Performer. What I am looking for is how to make the bounced mix out sound from Studio One that I am used to in Logic and DP.

The best way I can describe this is Studio One bounces sound more to the middle. What I can find from reading is it has something to do with the pan law settings in my other programs. I prefer that sound so I want to get Studio One to sound like that.

Does anyone have any suggestions?  I love using Studio One more than any program for creating music. There is nothing better as the program doesn’t get in the way of the music production, I just have to get the bounce sound right.



1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 13, 2020 by richwallen (360 points)
I have two audio samples...will post somehow or list them. You can hear in the two samples the difference Im describing.