Questions & Answers

Is it safe to hook up my Eris E5 XT monitors with TS speaker cable instead of TRS?

+1 vote
asked Apr 15, 2020 in Sceptre, Eris, R-Series by michaelwalsh13 (130 points)
Will I damage anything by temporarily hooking up my monitors with TS speaker cables? Interface is Focusrite Scarlett 18i8 which can run balanced or unbalanced out of the monitor out jacks. I know TRS will be quieter and I will be ordering them today, just want to know if its safe to use for a few days with regular speaker cable. Thanks!

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 6, 2024 by allowrie (220 points)
You ate correct. It's fine for short runs (less than 10'. Less volume and also the risk of noise in the line.  Changing them to trs is advised in the long run.