Questions & Answers

Looking for brushes to use with Studio One build-in, external, recommendations

0 votes
asked Apr 16, 2020 in Studio One 4 by nicolaiefantana (140 points)
Hello, I have ST1 4 installed on Mac and Win10.

1. I am looking for brushes loops / sounds for use in ST1 - any build in ?

2. What external package or brushes bundle would you recommend and what format to use in order to import into ST1 and see in browser.

3. What is your experience with LoopLoft   "The Art of Brushes" ?  Which format (wav, rex2, AIFF) best to use in ST1

Best regards, Nic

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 17, 2020 by florianfreimann (5,010 points)


in Studio One you can use impact for drums but I haven't found brushes. Here you can find also jazz kits:

I have found someone that asked in a forum about brush plugins. There are many answers and suggestions. Here's the link:

Hope that helps...
