Questions & Answers

Explode to Tracks for Chords not just Drums

+5 votes
asked Apr 27, 2020 in Editing by m@km (790 points)

Could we PLEASE make the "Explode to Tracks" function a bit more sophisticated/intelligent?!

As of right now, in S1 v4.6.1 this function is sorely lacking. Exploding simple patterns like drums works just fine, because that's based on pitches... but when trying to explode chords played on a piano or a string progression, i end up with 15 to 20 tracks -- EVEN WHEN I ONLY HAVE 4 NOTES IN THE CHORDS. We NEED the function to recognize the notes NOT based on individual pitches... but on where they are stacked vertically, i.e. lowest note, 2nd lowest note, 3rd lowest, highest note...etc etc...

Until this function is improved upon, it's virtually useless to me as a composer. It would be a major time-saver if it could work the way i described. Thank you!
